Orisha: The Evolving Forces of the Santeria, Lucumi,
Candomble, IFA, and West African Tradition
By HRU Yuya T. Assaan-ANU |
Submitted On March 22, 2012
A new look at the
Orisha religion and Ancestral worship.
This article series is
my humble attempt to offer my own perspective on, what I feel, is an often
misunderstood/misinterpreted concept called "The Orisha". The Orisha concept was
developed in the West Africa although the idea of cosmic entities governing
evolutionary process was one that was common to all of the African continent.
I will be providing
more information on the "Seven African Powers" (often known as, Elegba, Obatala,
Yemoja, Oshun, Oya, Ogun, and Shango); including herbs, crystals, astrological
designations, chakra locations, temperament, spiritual invocations, and much
more information in regards to the "Seven African Powers". These various
spiritual gifts are to be used to not only invoke the Orisha energies but, to
also open up your understanding of how they maintain the evolutionary process of
the cosmos.
Although the Orisha
are cosmic forces, more applicably, they are formulas that give rise to any and
every corporeal reality desired. These celestial formulas are present for the
sole purpose of bringing all beings on the planet in possession of a soul to the
highest pinnacle of their spiritual consciousness.
The key to understanding
these particular forces is to approach them from the interior to the outer. The
Orisha are powerful thought forms that should be perceived as various aspects of
your own spiritual makeup, not eternal titans waged in a struggle of "good vs
evil". These spirit forces do not function under the same moral code as a flesh
being would. The Orisha deal purely in polarities (Light or Dark, Male or
Female, North or South, Water or Fire, Electric or Magnetic, etc...).
The Orisha sustain and develop the natural functions
of planet earth and the universe as we see it but, those extrinsic processes are
only but a specter reflexion of what is occurring in your own intrinsic
body/mind/spirit. No thing occurs outside of your body that doesn't inside. If
you approach the study of esoteric, occult, metaphysical, or traditional African
religion in this way, you'll open up your own awareness 10 fold and swiftly move
light years beyond your current ceiling of perceptual awareness.
In now acknowledging
that these Orisha are power forces that represent and interlock with your own
internal power matrix, it would stand to reason that as you evolve, they do
concurrently. As you go through your process of corruption or devolution, they
follow you into this place as well. More significantly, your perception of what
an Orisha looks like or behaves like must change based on the ever changing
times. Envisioning something walking through the heavenly body with flowing
robes draped around it would probably be a conjuration of religious dogma and
programming. In the same instance if the Christ were to be murdered in 2012 by
the parasitic forces that be, would he hung on a cross? No, he'd be placed in an
electric chair or given a lethal injection. So, people would wear those emblems
around their necks and those images would adorn churches around the globe as the
cross currently does.
Now, imagine how the
Orisha would present themselves in modern times...
There are forces of
The sea
(Subconscious)...Olokun or Madre De Agua or Yemoja
The Forest (The
Fresh water
(Congregation)...Osun or Erzulie Freda or Lakshmi or Het-HRU
(Omnipresence)....Obatala or Damballah or Tehuti or Orunmila
Cross roads
(Opportunity)....Esu or Elegba or Hermes or Mercury
How would these forces
now manifest in these 2012 end times?
For example: in a
world where unconditional love is practically all but, abandoned and all
intimate relationships are based off of conditions of conduct and expectations
how does the "love" concept of Oshun continue to be fortified, fed, and
nurtured? Is Oshun as concerned about what humans perceive as "love" or is her
focus more on the conjoining of forces? If we are able to grasp this truth than
we will spot these Orisha in so many unexpected world events and social
Did Ogun give rise to Mike Tyson?
Did Shango give rise to
Muhammad Ali?
Did Esu give rise to Dr. Martin Luther King?
Did Oshun give rise to Bob
Did Oya give rise to Assata and Tupac Shakur?
Per the spiritual instruction
offered at the " Spiritual Institution Sadulu House", we teach the Orisha,
Angels, Loa, Ntru, Ancestors, and the various other unseen forces that assist in
governing the seen reality are ever transforming forces who insure their
longevity through their ability to adapt and evolve. We are at the helm of that
It's a new day and we have access to a new power!
Stay Tuned in!
"Grasping the Root of Divine
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