Texas Hoodoo hoodoo conjure rootwork

Hoodoo Prosperity Spell (Money Draw Spell)

A piggy bank or other type of container.
A dollar bill, play money, or  Monopoly money
Money Oil
Green or gold thread

Dab the four corners of the money, play money, or Monopoly money with Money oil. Fold the bill three times, always folding towards you.

Wrapping towards you, wind the thread around the dollar bill. Tie it with three knots. Place this seed dollar in the piggy bank. The anointed dollar will act as seed money and will draw more money to it (and into your life).

Keep this bank on your altar. Every Friday (the traditional payday), light a new green candle dressed with money oil and money herbs. Pray this prosperity prayer (or prayer of your choice) over the candle:

I give thanks to God for this day, in which My dream will flourish, my plans will succeed, My destiny will be assured, and the desire of my heart Will be granted in Jesus' name.

The money I need will know my name and address Before the end of this month. As I awake this morning, may my life be clean, Calm and clear as the early morning dew. May the grace of the Almighty support, sustain and Supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. Amen!

- See more at: http://www.prayers-for-special-help.com/prayers-for-prosperity.html#sthash.zE2LoxrI.dpuf

I give thanks to God for this day, in which My dream will flourish, my plans will succeed, My destiny will be assured, and the desire of my heart Will be granted in Jesus' name.

The money I need will know my name and address Before the end of this month. As I awake this morning, may my life be clean, Calm and clear as the early morning dew. May the grace of the Almighty support, sustain and Supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. Amen!

- See more at: http://www.prayers-for-special-help.com/prayers-for-prosperity.html#sthash.zE2LoxrI.dpuf

I give thanks to God for this day, in which ny dream will flourish, my plans will succeed, ny destiny will be assured, and the desire of my heart will be granted in Jesus' name.

The money I need will know my name and address before the end of this month. As I awake this morning, may my life be clean, calm and clear as the early morning dew. May the grace of the Almighty support, sustain and supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. Amen!

Texas Hoodoo Psychic Fortune Teller Readings