Hoodoo Lottery gambling spells will help you win lots of money. Gambling luck spells & casino money spells for luck to attract big money winnings! Read this page for spell suggestions for lottery and other gambling success.
(Lottery) Spell with a Pendulum
Using Tarot Cards to With the Lottery (offsite link) http://tarot-dude.com/just-for-fun-the-magical-lottery-tarot-spread/
How to Win the Lottery with Tarot Cards (offsite video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkvga5q5Ens
Using the I-Ching to Pick Lottery Numbers (offsite link) http://babasixto.hubpages.com/hub/Lottery-Picks-with-the-IChing
Hoodoo Spell to Win the Lottery http://spellcasters-source.blogspot.com/2013/11/hoodoo-spell-to-win-lottery.html
Lottery Spells are Gambling Spells are very strong spells
and can be used for any type of games. They will give you success in lottery,
gambling, horse racing, bingo etc. and other games of chance
Gambling spells, lottery luck when playing bingo casino rival spell. Psychic
lottery jackpot Hoodoo gambling spell --
Pray often for
Gambling success to help you become Lucky any games of chance.
Lottery Spells are Gambling Spells and are very strong spells and often must be
performed more than once.
Common Gambling Herbs in Hoodoo
ALKANET - Purification, prosperity. Ends the work of those who try to trouble
your money matters or jinx your gambling luck.
ARROW ROOT POWDER - Hand-dusting powder for gambling luck; combine with lucky
Sachet Powders.
CHAMOMILE FLOWERS (MANZANILLA) - Used in gambling spells and washes, and also
for uncrossing.
CHAMOMILE FLOWERS are widely considered to be a Lucky herb, an herb used in
gambling spells and washes, and also an herb for cleansing, un-hexing and
COMFREY LEAF - Helps you hold onto the money you have or the money that you win
while gambling.
DEVIL’S SHOE STRINGS – For protection from crossing and gossip, for gambling
luck, for job getting.
GINSENG ROOT (WONDER OF THE WORLD) POWDER – For male vigour and nature, good
luck in gambling, and to control your mate.
GINSENG ROOT – For male vigour and nature, good luck in gambling, and to control
your mate.
IRISH MOSS WHOLE PIECES – To bring continuous good luck and a steady flow of
money in business and gambling.
WINTERGREEN – Draws money and good luck; aids in sexual matters; used to smoke
gambling halls.
(gambling mojo hand)
This sachet is to be carried with you when gambling or playing games of chance.
First of all, take a small piece of lodestone and the herbs listed below and
them for good luck and money-drawing. Next, take a square of green cloth (felt
well for this). Place the lodestone in the center of the cloth, and sprinkle a
small amount
of Irish Moss, Rosemary, Peppermint Leaves, Violet Flowers & Yarrow over the
Tie up with a gold ribbon or cord and carry with you when playing games of
1 Tonka bean, 3 parts bergamot oil, sweet almond oil, 1 part Vetivert oil, 1
drop pineapple oil
Put Tonka bean in a bottle. Fill 1/2 the bottle with almond oil. Add the other
oils, mix well.
Store in cool, dry place.
So, you want to attract some luck at the casino or betting in general? This
spell will help you in getting the winning attitude that will attract good luck
toward you. You will notice that things will start happening in your favor. It
is best to do this spell just before you are about to gamble. It will really get
you in the mood! Let the spell work its magic. Avoid the feelings of
desperation, maintain a light-hearted attitude while gambling. Make sure that
you don’t have any expectations after your spell is complete.
Use Psychic Powers To Choose Winning Lottery
Gambling Mojo Hand http://witchesofthecraft.com/2013/06/18/spell-for-a-gambling-mojo-handhoodoo/
Gambling Spell Using an Acorn http://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/life_spells/money_spells/9339/page.html
Black Cat Oil is one of the strongest money drawing oils. Use this magical oil for luck in gambling or any games of chance. Wear on your body or use to dress a gambling/money drawing candle
Black Cat Oil Recipe:
4 Tablespoons of Grapeseed oil
5 drops of Frankincense oil
3 drops of Dragon blood oil
3 drops of Sandalwood oil
2 drop of Mugwort oil
1 whisker or 3 hairs from a Black Cat
Blend your oils together in an amber or dark bottle. When blending, don't shake
your bottle...give it a little swirl around in a clockwise direction to blend
the oils together. Label and date your bottle and store in a cool dry place.
Tips on Winning the Lottery: Articles over at
Winning the Lottery:
It's All Iin the Past
5 Tips On How to Win
the Lottery
Before You Win the
Lottery -- Things to Do
Playing the Lottery
Offline vs. Online: Which is Best?
Lottery Winning
Numbers -- How to Pick Winning Lottery Numbers & Win the Smart Way
Does Using Dates for
Lottery Numbers Improve Your Chances?
How to Win the
Lottery: Learn Effective Techniques
Ten Mistakes Lottery
Players Make