by Engo Brillumba
Brown Piece of
Picture of the
person you want to dominate
Piece of
Yellow Candles
Imagine of Our Lady
of Charity
Here is another
spell that my mom taught me and it's a real good one when you have a man that is
out of control or that is cheating on you.
The first thing you
need to do is make sure that in the morning before you brush your teeth or speak
with anyone that you collect 7 saliva spits and your urine.
Do not speak to anyone while you are doing this or eat anything, you are
to collect the urine and saliva.
Once you have this
in the jar, take a brown bag and write the name of the person you want to
dominate 7 xs and your name on top and write "Dominate, Do As I Say, Come to Me,
I can, you can't, LOVE ME, you will have eyes and heart desires for me and only
Take the paper with
the name and fold towards you (try to fold towards you 5 times) and place it in
the urine asking Our Lady of Charity to dominate the person's heart and bring to
you. Then take the pictures write
the names and date of birth for both on the back of each picture.
With your finger taste the honey and say "it's sweet and pure", (the
reason you taste the honey is because Our Lady of Charity (Ochun) loves honey
and was tricked with honey, so you have to taste before giving her some).
Now dip the finger again in honey and put a cross on the face of the
person you want to dominate. Make 5
crosses with the honey on the person.
One cross on eye area "say you will only have eyes and no one else, while
applying the cross of honey. Cross
two on the heart say "you will only have a heart for me and only me and will
love no other." Cross three the private parts " you will have no desire for no
other but for me" Cross Four the head, say "you will only think of me and only
me". Cross Five the mouth, " you
will not speak or desire any other but me."
Once you
have the crosses with honey take your picture and place on top of the
person you are trying to dominate.
Then take your "DIRTY" underpants (small piece) and tie the picture with your
underpants. While tying say, "I
make this knot to tie you to my heart, and you will not desire any other but
Place in the jar
with urine etc. Now take the rest
of honey and pure over it and say "Same way honey is sweet that is how sweet you
(say person's name will be sweet with me.
You will not desire no other woman/man but me."
Sprinkle sugar on
top and say the same thing, as you said above.
Place 5 cloves inside and close the jar.
Shake the jar a bit and light the candle to Our Lady of Charity.
You have to petition her to help you dominate the person and sweeten
him/her up for you. Shake the jar
and light the candle for 5 days consecutively.
On the last day after candle burns out you can put it in a dark corner of
your closet way up high.
Some people bury
these, but my mom said you had to have one in your house where the person or
anyone saw it and whenever the person got out of control you will go and shake
the jar up and light a candle to Our Lady of Charity.
Now it's best to have an imagine of her if you can find one.
She is a very good Patron to have in the home.
You can offer her something like sunflower, yellow flowers, honey(taste
before giving to her), yellow candles, pumpkin, or oranges.