Texas Hoodoo hoodoo conjure rootwork

Hoodoo Divination

Loteria Card Spreads

3 to 5 Card Spread

1st Concept: Read the cards from left to right.

2nd Concept: Take the cards’ basic meanings and pair them together.

9 Card Spread

Lay out three cards in a row from left to right. The top three cards represent the past, the middle three the present and the bottom three cards the future (from left to right). This spread can also be extended to a Nine Card Spread using three cards for the past, three cards for the present and three cards for the future. The central card is pivotal in this reading. Don't forget that you can read the cards diagonally with this spread as well.
                                          1    2    3
                                          4    5    6
                                          7    8    9

Line of Three:
1 2 3
Read 1+2+3 and reflect 1+3.

Line of Five:
1 2 3 4 5

 Central focus card is not preselected.
Read the heart (2+3+4), then 1+2 and 4+5, then reflect 1+5 and 2+4.

Square of Nine:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Central focus card is not preselected.
Relate the central focus card to the first card (the "trigger").
Read the columns 1+4+7 (past), 2+5+8 (present), 3+6+9 (future).
Read the rows 1+2+3, 4+5+6 and 7+8+9 (all PPF).*
Read the diagonals 1+5+9 and 7+5+3 (both PPF).*
Read the corners 1+9 and 3+7.
Read the central cross 2+4+5+6+8.
Read the triangles 1+3+8 and 7+9+2.

*PPF = Past Present Future