Court Case Tarot
Spread/Lawsuit Spread
Lawsuit Spread (10 cards)
This spread is wonderful for asking question
concerning law issues or judgement cases.
Card 1 This card tells what your concern is
regarding your case.
Card 2 This card tells what the conflict is
that is creating your insecurity.
Card 3 This card tells if there is a fear of
the opposition.
Card 4 This card tells if your motives are
Card 5 This card tells what changes would you
like to make now.
Card 6 This card tells if your lawyer is
dependable and responsible.
Card 7 This card tells if you visualize winning
the case.
Card 8 This card tells if there will be
financial rewards.
Card 9 This card tells how long before the case
is settled.
Card 10 This card tells of the final outcome.