Texas Hoodoo hoodoo conjure rootwork



Courtcase spell #2


2 part carnation petals 1 part Anise seed 1 part cinnamon
Use 2 tablespoons of this mixture to 2 oz. oil. add a piece of Galangal root to each bottle.
Carry a Galangal root, John the Conqueror root.
With snake root or Indian tobacco in a small bag.
Anointed in the oil and to give added punch van van oil.
I also would carry a horse chestnut dressed in van van oil.
You could even add some just judge oil to the horse chestnut.

Use this oil to dress a brown candle with. You may also want to sprinkle one or more of these court case herbs on the candle to increase its power

Calendula Flowers (strong for court)
Cascara Sagrada Bark Chips (court)
Deer's Tongue (court [through eloquence])
Dill Seed (court)
Little John to Chew a/k/a Chewing John (court)
Oregano (keep law away)
Tobacco (court)

When you light the candle, recite Psalm 35 over it.

On the day of your court appearance, make a mojo bag of the herbs.  Blow tobacco smoke over it, pray the Psalm over it, and dress it with Just Judge Oil.

Hoodoo Tarot