Special Washes By Alma De La
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Ezine Articles
Attract and hold your family at home with some unique spiritual & New Age
special washes inherited from the Hoodoo practice which combines elements of
African and European magical, religious, and witchcraft traditions and a little
bit of the Native American use of herbal and botanical wisdom.
What is known in the southern United States as Hoodoo is simply a traditional
form of magic, not a religion, which uses the occult and supernatural elements
of the Christian, Jewish and European practices. In fact, many patent medicines
and home-made potions, baths, and floor washes were aimed at Hoodoo
practitioners and more than one had gained commercial success.
Some of the Hoodoo special washes were originally used for reasons completely
unrelated to the meaning that they have nowadays. The use of baths and floor
washes in Hoodoo generally involves the creation of infusions by straining
specific herbs into water. Then, the special water is given as a bath complement
to the person looking for jinx removal, protection and spiritual purifications.
Often these herbal mixtures might be added to water and used to wash the floor
of a house or place of work to bring blessings or improve business.
A ritual floor washing should always start at the back of the premises and end
at the front door step. For the best results, wash your floors, corners of the
rooms, closets, doorsteps, and spray a little on the walls, fabrics and
furniture. To dispose of the left-over wash water, throw it out the front door
or into the front yard, toward the East, if possible.
For protective reasons, you are able to add these washes to your clothing by
diluting some in water while using your washing machine - recommendation: Be
careful with the colors.
Chinese Wash: Basically, the Chinese Wash is an herbal floor wash used in rites
of protection, in spiritual house-cleansings, unjinxing, and to maintain marital
fidelity, among others and it was a standard commercial product that acquired an
occult and magical reputation among African-American root workers.
Use 1-3 tablespoonful of this wash in a bucket of water depending on the
strength of the job you need to do. Scrub the floors from the top floor to the
bottom floor and from the back of each floor to the front, ending at last at the
front doorstep.
Four Thieves Vinegar: For years, this special wash has been related to death,
and it is used as a mosquito repellent due to its strong odor. Now, it's popular
for personal protection, to get immunity, to provoke dissent, and to get rid of
Some recipes call for red wine vinegar, others say cider vinegar. Mixed with
herbs-- rosemary (strong antiseptic), wormwood (bitter herb), lavender (contains
pleasant scent), peppermint (with volatile oil), rue (bitter herb), and sage
(has lymphatic properties) -- some added thyme, and garlic.
Peace Water: As its name suggests, Peace Water works on the minds of those
persons we deal with, rendering their temper and it is also used as a protective
This water-clear liquid emulates three different herbal essences, one of which
is quite similar to Florida Water. Sprinkle it in the corners to ensure only
kind people and good spirits enter to your home.
War Water: Sincerely, I'm not bringing tips on ways to do evil stuffs, and since
War Water can be for enemy tricks, to declare occult war, and to trouble
someone, I'll let you investigate this artifact by yourselves. I just want to
mention that it is said that War Water is also a European contribution to
Hoodoo. Please, do not try to prepare or use this special wash.
Alma De la Cruz, a staff mystic employed by http://www.psychicrealm.com, has a
profound personal history where she has unabashedly delved deep into the heart
of occult mysteries for an extensive period of her life. Her name literally
means Soul of the Cross in Spanish. Currently she is working publishing a
manuscript that delves into the mysteries of Hispanic new age beliefs
incorporating old insights with new spiritual methodologies. Check out her bi
weekly metaphysical column: http://www.newagenotebook.com where she takes a new
twist, incorporating Latin shamanistic philosophies with leading edge occult
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