Psalms in Hoodoo Conjure Rootwork
Johannes Gottfried Seelig discovered "Secrets of the
Psalms" which he claimed were magical secrets within the Bible's Book of Psalms.
He believed that by stating certain names of angels, God, and of demons, wishes
would be granted. The following are versus and specific situations for
which they help:
- Psalms 45 – If a man has a wife that is less then
nice to him, he must recite Psalm 45 over pure olive oil, and then he must
spread the oil on his body, after which his wife will be very nice.
- Psalms 46 – If a man attempts to be with his wife
and wants his wife to return the passion, he must recite Psalms 46 over pure
olive oil and spread the oil on her body. She will then return the passion
and love will bloom.
- Psalms 61 – When moving into a new home, recite
Psalms 61 prior to moving in, along with an additional prayer that suits the
occasions. You will then receive good luck with your home.
- Psalms 121 – If you are a lone late night traveler,
recite Psalms 121 seven times and you will be safe in your travels.
- Psalms 3 – For a severe headache or backache, recite
Psalms 3 over a small amount of pure olive oil and apply the oil to the
painful area.
- Psalms 132 – This Psalm is to be read if in fact you
promised someone that you would do something on a specific time table and
fail to stick to the time table. You are to recite this Psalm daily.